15 Desember 2017


I am surprised by one of the articles I wrote in February of 2017 entitled "Genuine Face Jeng Patrol Indosiar Patrol Service Host".

Amazingly, this article can be powerful and always appear on the first page of Google search engine with keyword "Jeng Patrol Face". Though writing is a rewrite of some sources on the Internet.

Although my writing is not in first place on the Google page but at the bottom of the article still remain strong standing on the first page of Google.  

Besides being a rewrite, the number of syllables in the article is very little about 300 syllables.

According to the SEO Experts, the article rewrote with just 300 syllables is very difficult to enter and survive in the Google search engine page. 

Their opinions do not seem to be entirely correct, my article on Jeng Patrol has dismissed their opinions.

The number of readers of the original article Jeng Patrol Indosiar Face is always increasing and now has reached 13,206 number of readers.

A question arises. Why does this happen?

After I investigated the search volume for keyword Jeng Patrol face is quite high, which is about 3600 per month with a very low level of competition.

That means that every month people are searching for information about the true Jeng Patrol Real Face.

So the article is always in the top position on the popular Post Gadget on Blog Asik Pedia.

Beginning to write an article about Face Jeng Patrol started when I heard a complaint someone who was curious about the figure of Crime news carrier in Indosiar.

Actually naturally they are curious because on every crime show the woman's figure is always back to the camera.

With the publication of my writing entitled Original Face Jeng Patrol Indosiar Patrol Carrier Events, my hope will be many internet users who can know the original figure Jeng Patrol actually.

And it turns out the article brings good luck because many internet users who read it, although the explanation is not too much and complete.

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